Service Pack


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Service Pack


Did you know we can help you with calculating the YTA frönts you need? Sometimes it can be hard to know which frönts are needed for your fun project. Not to mention the struggle with measurements! From now on we can assist you in your YTA adventure!


How does it work?


  1. Send us your plans by e-mail
  2. You will receive an YTA Sample Box – Veneers & Laminates
  3. Let us know what your 1 or 2 favorite choices of materials are
  4. We will check your plans and you will be presented with a personal offer and 3D view for these 2 choices, as well as some matching (optional) handles
  5. The installation of the fronts is optional, if you want us to install the fronts we will make you a personal offer for that as installation prices depend on the size of the project

You wanna see & feel the materials in real life? Order a Sample Box which is 100% REFUNDABLE!

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